

Want to locate a person by address? Then go to this excellent web site.
Loacatepeople.org is a trusted and well-known online database provider of more than one billion records to find relatives, friends, lost love, classmates or anyone else you wish to find. It is a company that has been online for several years now and have dedicated theirselves to systematically gathering databases, sources, and data center links to provide their members with the highest possible level of investigation services.
This is the only online company that provides even 4 options of searching people: 1. search by name, 2. search by phone, 3. search by SSN( Social Security Number), and 4. e-mail search which you can test right now and many more options of searching when you become a member.
Not do you only finally locate a person by address, or phone number etc,. but you also get all sorts of information like nationwide criminal check, neighbor`s names, sex offender check and the list just goes on and on.
Their SSN Search allows you to check the validity of the provided number. Purchase is made by Clickbank so you´re money is safe and secure. You can also check out some sample reports to see what you get when you investigate someone.
The most used option of finding is to locate a person by address, because most probably you still have somewhere their old address. So visit LOCATE PEOPLE, join and surprise your loved ones or simply investigate your potential dates!

RATINGS: 10/10


How can i find someone's cell phone number? If you register at this site, you will not have to ask that question ever again. National registry of cellular numbers (NRCN) is the leading provider of online phone searches. This powerful tool searches multiple databases of Landline, Mobile and Unlisted phone numbers. If you are still not sure how does an investigation report look like, just click on on the sample report to clear all your doubts. I simply have to compliment on the fact that their enhanced phone data is being updated every 15 minutes! But they don't provide the option of locating people through out addresses. If you are still asking yourself:”How can I find someone's cell phone number?Or if you get weird and teasing phone calls, join this service and put an end to prank phone calls! For more information go to NRCN.

RATINGS: 8.5/10



Are you into search people Canada? If you join this site it will be possible!
Their people search databases are the same ones used by the government, law enforcement and private investigators.

I give them credit since they provide database information not only for United States, but also for search people Canada, Western Europe and Australia! However, the fact is that you get access to over 150 million public records.

Although it seems a lot, remember that they provide databases for Canada, Australia and Western Europe too. So in comparison to that, it is not that big of a number.
There is another shortcoming: they do not provide support unless you have already joined their service which is ridiculous.

Let`s say you are not sure about joining their service, and you have some questions, who are you gonna ask? Obviously not them. This program is for those individuals who do not want to be limited for looking up people only in US, and want to search people Canada, Australia and Western Europe. But for those who are interested only in US searches, then I recommend joining LOCATE PEOPLE.